Instead, I bring you this hastily-put together list:
(in no particular order)
"Yoda" -"Weird Al" Yancovic
The first Star Wars parody song I remember and still one of the funniest.
"Star Wars Gangsta Rap" - Bentframe
When I first heard this song, I played it over and over again, because I just. Plain. Loved it.
"Chewbacca" - Supernova
From the original Clerks soundtrack. The big fuzzball deserved his own song, don't you think?
"Star Wars Theme/Disco Version" - MECO
Yes, it's real. Yes, it was officially sanctioned. Yes, it's still AWESOME! You want to see really bad Star Wars-themed disco? Watch THIS drug-induced nightmare!
"Star Wars Cantina" - Richard Cheese
This guy put a lot of thought, time and effort into turning an awful 70's Barry Manilow song into three minutes of sonic joy. We applaud you wherever you are, Mr. Cheese!
"A New Hope" - Blink 182
Not my favorite band by a loooooongshot, but I like the song.
"Fett's Vette" - MC Chris
If Eminem inhaled helium while taking 'shooms and watching Empire, he might have recorded this... (Warning: NSFW) My backpack's got jets!
"O.B.1" - Thingy (song clip)
Possibly the most low-key and melodic of the songs listed from a very cool indie band.
I had a 45 of the Disco Star Wars and I played the heck out of it! ^^